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1. One UAV movie taken of Paierlbreen in spring 2017 with Phantom 3 Advanced usage. The movie is focused on the front of the glacier and the area around.
1. Two high-quality UAV movies taken in Hornsund fiord on 15th Sep 2016 with Phantom 3 Advanced usage. The movies are focused on Horyzont II ship during unloading goods to the Polish Polar Station Hornsund. Format file: .MOV. 2. Dataset consist six UAV movies taken in neighborhood of stake no. 4 of Hansbreen, one taken in the vicinty of stake no. 6 of Hansbreen and two on Tuvbreen. The movies from stake no. 4 show the ablation zone, crevasses, glaciers in the area and a team of University of Silesia scientists during maintanance of automatic weather station (AWS). The movie from stake no. 6 presents the surface of Hansbreen towards accumulation zone. The movies from Tuvbreen show the area around, surface of the glacier and University of Silesia team. UAV: Phantom 3 Advanced. Format file: .MOV. 3. One high-quality UAV movie taken from West morain of Paierbreen 22nd Aug 2016 with Phantom 3 Advanced usage. The movie is focused on the front of Paierlbreen. Format file: .MOV. 4. Two high-quality UAV movies taken on Silesiabreen 23nd Aug 2016 with Phantom 3 Advanced usage. The movie is focused on the snowline of Silesiabreen, University of Silesia scietists while fieldwork and neighbourhood. 5. UAV movie of Storbreen upper ablation area in 21st Aug 2016. 6. Three high-quality UAV movies taken from vicinity of Treskelen in Hornsund on 12 Sep 2016 with Phantom 3 Advanced usage. The movies are focused on the University of Silesia team during automatic weather station maintanance, sailing boat operated by scientists and Hornsund fiord. 7. A high-quality UAV movie taken from vicinity of Brateggbreen on 5 Sep 2016 with Phantom 3 Advanced usage. The movie is focused on Brateggbreen front and its proglacial lake. Format file: .MOV. 8. UAV movies of Werenskoildbreen front and morain in summer 2016
High-resolution orthomosaic derived from aerial images captured in 2020 over Hornsund, Svalbard by Dornier aircraft. The spatial resolution of the orthomosaic is 0.0843 m. Aerial images for the area were provided by the SIOS through a dedicated call of proposals (https://sios-svalbard.org/AirborneRS). The dataset is the supplement to the paper: Błaszczyk, M.; Laska, M.; Sivertsen, A.; Jawak, S.D. Combined Use of Aerial Photogrammetry and Terrestrial Laser Scanning for Detecting Geomorphological Changes in Hornsund, Svalbard. Remote Sens. 2022, 14, 601. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs14030601
Air temperature measurements from AWS located on the Werenskioldbreen. The sensors are installed on a mast that is mounted in the glacier ice. During the season, the distance between the glacier's surface and the sensors increases. The instruments are serviced at least once a year between March and April.
Upwelling shortwave flux in air measurements from AWS located on the Werenskioldbreen. The sensors are installed on a mast that is mounted in the glacier ice. During the season, the distance between the glacier's surface and the sensors increases. The station is serviced at least once a year between March and April.
Hansbreen velocity along the center line (stakes 2 to 11) is measured with a Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) receiver and were manually recorded weekly for stakes 2 through 5, and monthly for stakes 6 through 11, dependent on weather conditions. Monitoring of the glacier is conducted by Institute of Geophysics Polish Academy of Science. The minimum observation times at those stakes is between 20 and 30 minutes. Total error, taking into account GNSS receiver, stake tilt, and human factor is estimated at 20 cm.
Time-lapse cameras In order to determine the state of coverage of the area, e.g. period of snow cover on a tundra, the extent of the glacier front, etc., it is necessary to perform photographic imaging at a specific time interval. This will allow for precise diagnosis of snow conditions. The camera is installed at the main entrance to the NCU Polar Station. The lens is pointed in a westerly direction, towards Prins Karls Forland CRIOS – Cryosphere Integrated Observation Network on Svalbard Project financed from the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 operated by the National Science Centre in Poland Agreement no. UMO-2022/43/7/ST10/00001 to a predefined project no. 2022/43/7/ST10/00001 Project period: 08.09.2022 - 30.04.2024 (2029)
Permafrost monitoring System of thermistors (temperature strings with loggers) to monitor the ground thermal state Precise data on the thermal state of the frozen ground is one of the key missing components of the environmental monitoring at the research stations spread across Spitsbergen. The CRIOS project will allow us to equip the newly established borehole with precise temperature strings that will record ground thermal changes over the next couple of years. A system of temperature strings will be used in the monitoring of the thermal state of permafrost in drilled boreholes. Devices were tested in severe weather and are commonly used for permafrost monitoring by other research groups working in polar regions. The hole in the vicinity of the UAM station in Petuniabukta was delineated at a distance of about 50 m from the shoreline, in the zone between the Polish and Czech stations. The drilling was carried out on 22-23.07.2023. The bedrock is built up by siltstone and sandstone. At the drilling site, they are covered by thick-bedded beach sediments. During the drilling, a depth of 7 meters below sea level was reached, and with no further drilling progress, a decision was made to install a string to the depth obtained. CRIOS – Cryosphere Integrated Observation Network on Svalbard Project financed from the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 operated by the National Science Centre in Poland Agreement no. UMO-2022/43/7/ST10/00001 to a predefined project no. 2022/43/7/ST10/00001 Project period: 08.09.2022 - 30.04.2024 (2029)
Dataset contains surface elevation along spring GPR profiles performed on Hansbreen and Werenskioldbreen. Fieldwork has been done with dGPS device in kinematic mode at the end of ablation season in 2013 and 2015 to compare it with spring GPR survey and calculate surface ablation. Acknowledgements: Research Council of Norway, Arctic Field Grant 2013: Spatial distribution of snow cover and drainage systems on the glaciers on Wedel Jarlsberg Land (RiS ID: 6158); the National Science Centre PRELUDIUM 4: Role of meltwater from snow cover for supplying drainage systems of the Spitsbergen glaciers (2012/07/N/ST10/03784)
Permafrost monitoring System of thermistors (temperature strings with loggers) to monitor the ground thermal state Precise data on the thermal state of the frozen ground is one of the key missing components of the environmental monitoring at the research stations spread across Spitsbergen. The CRIOS project will allow us to equip the newly established borehole with precise temperature strings that will record ground thermal changes over the next couple of years. A system of temperature strings will be used in the monitoring of the thermal state of permafrost in drilled boreholes. Devices were tested in severe weather and are commonly used for permafrost monitoring by other research groups working in polar regions. Site Information The borehole near the UMK station in Kaffioyra was located at the existing meteorological garden, about 100 m from the shoreline. The drilling was carried out on 20-21.07.2023. The substrate is dominated by loose sandy-gravel beach sediments. A large amount of fine material and the formation of a core in a small part of the hole made it possible to reach a depth of 10.0 m below sea level. CRIOS – Cryosphere Integrated Observation Network on Svalbard Project financed from the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 operated by the National Science Centre in Poland Agreement no. UMO-2022/43/7/ST10/00001 to a predefined project no. 2022/43/7/ST10/00001 Project period: 08.09.2022 - 30.04.2024 (2029)