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1. Dataset of UAV vertical aerial photos of front and ice melange in the north part of Tunabreen, obtained in spring 2017. Area covered: ~1600x~800m. Used UAV: Phantom 3 Advanced, flight height: 100m. Data obtained during fieldwork supported by Svalbard Science Forum, Arctic Field Grant 2017 with cooperation with University of Maine (USA) and the University Centre in Svalbard (Norway).
Wind speed measurements from AWS located on the Werenskioldbreen. The sensors are installed on a mast that is mounted in the glacier ice. During the season, the distance between the glacier's surface and the sensors increases. The station is serviced at least once a year between March and April.
Air temperature measurements from AWS located on the Werenskioldbreen. The sensors are installed on a mast that is mounted in the glacier ice. During the season, the distance between the glacier's surface and the sensors increases. The instruments are serviced at least once a year between March and April.
Air temperature measurements from AWS located on the Werenskioldbreen. The sensors are installed on a mast that is mounted in the glacier ice. During the season, the distance between the glacier's surface and the sensors increases. The instruments are serviced at least once a year between March and April.
• Discharge measurements were conducted from May/June/July to September/October in the years 2007–2012. Direct observation periods were 62, 51, 61, 40, 121, and 35 days in the consecutive years. The data set was obtained from CTD-DIVER DI 261 or Mini-Diver (Van Essen Instruments, Delft, The Netherlands) logger with barometric compensation by BaroDiver (Schlumberger, Houston, TX, USA) with 10-min intervals and flow velocities were measured with a SEBA F1 current meter (SEBA Hydrometrie GmbH, Kaufbeuren, Germany). Mean daily discharge and total runoff in the hydrologically active season was calculated on the basis of the 24h running average of the water level and a rating curve (Appendix 1). More details have been reported by Majchrowska E., Ignatiuk D., Jania J., Marszałek H., Wąsik M., 2015: Seasonal and interannual variability in runoff from the Werenskioldbreen catchment, Spitsbergen. Polish Polar Research vol. 36, no. 3, pp. 197–224. doi: 10.1515/popore−2015−0014 • Hydrological data for Werenskioldbreen - archive of the University of Silesia. The base contain mean daily discharge in the years: 1972, 1973, 1974, 1979, 1980, 1983, 1985, 1986, 1988, 1998, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2017 (18 hydrologically active seasons) – Appendix 2
The base contain: 1. List (*xls) of terrophotogrammetric photographs taken by Poles na Spitsbergen from 1934 till 2016: 2. Skaning above photographs with resolution of 2400 dpi, file format *.tif and *.jpg (400 dpi). All photographs were taken by means of instrument type Phototheodolite Zeiss 19/1318 on glass plates. Authors of photographs: Antoni Rogala-Zawadzki, Cezary Lipert, Stanisław Rudowski, Leszek Kolondra, Jacek Jania, Jerzy Wach, Krzysztof Migała, Janusz Karkoszka, Małgorzata Błaszczyk and other unknown members of Polish Expeditions organized by Institute of Geophysic Polish Academy of Science in Station HORNSUND. Fot better identification of all photographs was prepared presentations (in *.pptx and *.pdf formats), where photographs there are arranged in classic form used for terrophotogrammetric stereoscopic photographs: A, AL, AR, B, BL, BR (the meaning of a letter: A - right photogrammetric station and photograph taken in normal case [90°]; B - left photogrammetric station and photograph taken in normal case [90°]; AL - photograph taken from right station in left direction; AR - photograph taken from right station in right direction; BL - photograph taken from left station in left direction; BR - photograph taken from left station in right direction). Other photographs (e.g. panoramic) has additional informations. Boths kind of presentation are prepared in chronological and tematical (for objects) order.
Dataset contains snowpack density derived from shallow snow cores. Fieldwork has been done during peak of accumulation on several glaciers in the region of Hornsund, Svalbard: Amundsenisen (2013) Werenskioldbreen (2013, 2015) Nannbreen (2013) Flatbreen (2013, 2018) Storbreen (2013, 2018) Results might be valuable i.a. for mass-balance estimations or GPR survey validation. Acknowledgements: Research Council of Norway, Arctic Field Grant 2013: Spatial distribution of snow cover and drainage systems on the glaciers on Wedel Jarlsberg Land (RiS ID: 6158); the National Science Centre PRELUDIUM 4: Role of meltwater from snow cover for supplying drainage systems of the Spitsbergen glaciers (2012/07/N/ST10/03784); Citation: LASKA M.,GRABIEC M.,IGNATIUK D.,BUDZIK T.,2017. Snow deposition patterns on southern Spitsbergen glaciers, Svalbard, in relation to recent meteorological conditions and local topography. Geografiska Annaler, Series A: Physical Geography, 99(3): 262–287. doi:10.1080/04353676.2017.1327321
Glaciers facies extents of Langjökull delivered from unsupervised classifications of fully-polarimetric SAR data (ALOS-2 PALSAR, RADARSAT-2) for 2018 year. Date of SAR images acquisitions: 12, 16 Mar 2018 (Fine Quad Pol RADARSAT-2), 17 Mar 2018 (High Sensitive Quad Pol ALOS-2 PALSAR). Method of classification: H-a Wishart Classification. Results validated with terrestrial measurements (shallow ice cores drilling, Ground Penetrating Radar measurements). Research done with cooperation with University of Iceland and supported by the European Space Agency, Third Party Miassions. Overwiew of results of RADATSAT-2 (16 Mar 2018; Fine Quad Pol) classification of south part of Langjökull. Black line - contour of Langjökull; other colours - different scattering properties of SAR microwaves. For more details please contact Barbara Barzycka (bbarzycka@us.edu.pl).
Digital elevation model (DEM) with high spatial resolution derived from aerial images captured in 2020 over Hornsund, Svalbard by Dornier aircraft. The spatial resolution of the orthomosaic is 0.174 m. Aerial images for the area were provided by the SIOS through a dedicated call of proposals (https://sios-svalbard.org/AirborneRS). The dataset is the supplement to the paper: Błaszczyk, M.; Laska, M.; Sivertsen, A.; Jawak, S.D. Combined Use of Aerial Photogrammetry and Terrestrial Laser Scanning for Detecting Geomorphological Changes in Hornsund, Svalbard. Remote Sens. 2022, 14, 601. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs14030601
Hornsund area extracted from different archive data. Detailed description of the source data and accuracy data for glaciers from hydrological basin of Hornsund can be found in: Błaszczyk M., Jania J.A., Kolondra L., 2013: Fluctuations of tidewater glaciers in Hornsund Fiord (Southern Svalbard) since the beginning of the 20th century. Polish Polar Research, 34( 4): 327-352. http://journals.pan.pl/dlibra/publication/114504/edition/99557/content